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Global BusyIndicator for DomainDataContext


With Asynchronous calls in Silverlight its important to let the user know something is happening when they request data. At first I put a BusyIndictor in the Navigation content, which was ugly because it left a large border showing around the BusyIndicator for those elements that are not part of the Navigation content.


What I was looking for was some way, on an application level, to show a BusyIndicator. I came across this post by Bryan Sampica which was very useful.

This worked perfectly on a DomainContext level, BUT, I was using a bunch of DomainDataSources, which would always be busy for longer than the DomainContext itself. Which meant the BusyIndicator dissapeared before the actual data was available…what a pity.

So I kept the concept of using a BusyIndicator as the rootvisual, but ditched the domaincontext class extension. And then just manipulated the Global BusyIndicator depending on whether the DomainDataSource is loading or not.

Something like this.

BusyIndicator busy = (BusyIndicator)App.Current.RootVisual;
busy.IsBusy = true;

private void DomainDataSource1_LoadedData(object sender, LoadedDataEventArgs e)

BusyIndicator busy = (BusyIndicator)App.Current.RootVisual;
                busy.IsBusy = false;

The DomainDataSource1’s LoadedData event is handled by DomainDataSource1_LoadedData